The Norfolk Island Museum Trust has recently purchased
additional shelving and a filing cabinet to properly house the books and files
donated to the Museum by Paul Bowes from the Estate of the late Les Brown. Undertaking the task of re-housing this
collection again reinforces the value and interest of this material. One item is a Memorandum written by Bishop
John Coleridge Patteson, the first Missionary Bishop of Norfolk Island. Dated 11th January, 1871 it is on the “South Sea Island Labour Traffic” and was presented to both
Houses of the General Assembly in Wellington NZ in 1871.

In the Memorandum he expresses his concern with the means of ‘procuring
the labour force’ from northern New
Hebrides (Vanuatu), Banks
and Solomon Islands to work on
the cotton and sugar plantations in Queensland
and Fiji. This procurement of labour is otherwise
referred to as ‘blackbirding’. Bishop Patteson states, “No regulations can
prevent men bound by no religious or moral restraint, practicing deception and violence
to entice or convey the natives on board, detaining them forcibly while on
Blackbirding was especially prevalent between 1847 and
1904. The Queensland
Government first attempted to control it in 1868 with the Polynesian Labourers Act. This
regulation provided for the treatment of labourers — who theoretically worked of
their own free will for a specified period — and the licensing of “recruiters.” However the
Queensland government lacked constitutional power outside its own borders which
made the regulations impossible to enforce.
If it was assumed that the Government of Qld and H.M. Consul
at Levuka, Fiji did all in their power to safe
guard labour ‘traffic’ from abuse and provide some security to the islanders
whilst working on the plantations. Bishop
Patteson states that they do not and cannot protect the so-called labourers
from these lawless men. These lawless men were the masters and crew of the
transport vessels, there was no way to protect the recruited labourers whilst
on board.
It was impossible for any of the islanders to make a bona fide contract as the traders could
not speak more than half a dozen words in any one of the dialects of these
people. For example, ten people of Mota Island
entered into one such contract with a trader holding up 3 fingers, this
signified either 3 suns or 3 moons to the islanders where in fact in meant 3
years to the trader. The three years had
passed and these men were still absent from their home.
The traders or recruiters supported the system of so-called
emigration. This system degenerated into
a practice approaching a slave trade, or perhaps amounted to it. It was a mockery to speak of it as a system
of emigration.
While there was the suggestion of a benefit to bringing the
islanders into contact with ‘civilisation’, indeed what type of civilisation did
they make contact with on the plantations?
This was difficult to ascertain as most were not returned to their
homes. Of the 400 or 500 Banks Islanders
taken away only a tenth of that number were returned and the Bishop stated, “of
these no exhibit benefit, but noticeably bearing bad character amongst their
own people”.
The Bishop received reports of the “nefarious nature of many
of the transactions, undoubtedly in a number of instances being nothing less
than kidnapping.” One person writes to
Patteson stating he knows the names of 4 vessels carrying on this ‘rough
work’ “these men have no scruples of
conscience, and, so long as they make money, are perfectly dead to any code of
laws, human or divine. This is told in
confidence from a friend for the Bishop’s own protection when amongst the Islands.
Patteson reported that in former years the natives would
come off shore to the boats, bringing articles of trade. They trusted the white
people and the white people trusted them. The missionaries and other seafarers
used to transport the island people from one island to another and they would
receive hogs and other articles in return.
This activity however was now to
the slavers advantage. The natives were
easily enticed below deck, the hatches put on, and the vessel was off with the
unsuspecting human cargo.
Patteson chillingly surmises that should any ship be wrecked
on these islands the lives of those on board would probably be taken for those lives
that have been stolen and the natives would be condemned and called
bloodthirsty. This is not right in the
mind of Patteson, however he declares that any civilised people would do the
same in their situation.
Patteson had spent many years travelling throughout the
islands and developed an intimate and trusting relationship with the islanders.
Now the traders were using the name of ‘Patteson’ and the mission ship ‘Southern Cross’ to decoy natives from the
islands. The evil effects of trafficing
having damaged relationships meant the white people were now obliged to be
cautious. He asserts that some of the Melanesian scholars
from the mission on Norfolk Island had
returned to the islands and tried to dissuade their people from going on these blackbirding
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Bishop Patteson's study on Norfolk Island |
Bishop Patteson concludes by exclaiming the desire to “protest
by anticipation against any punishment being inflicted upon natives of these Islands who may cut off vessels or kill boat’s crews,
until it is clearly shown that these acts are not done in the way of
retribution for outrages first committed by white men”. Reports of killings of boat crews had been
received, “it is the white mans fault, and it is unjust to punish the coloured
man for doing what may be naturally expected”.
Patteson said people spoke and wrote about the treachery of
these Islanders but he had experienced no kind of behaviour during his fourteen
years of intercourse with them, if they are treated kindly they will
reciprocate kindly.
The death of Patteson made a huge impact in England, Australia and New Zealand, attention and focus was targeted towards the cessation of blackbirding which amounted to slavery, kidnapping and murder. The Under-Secretary for the Colonies, moved the first reading of the Pacific Islanders Protection Bill in 1872, this became known as the Kidnapping Act but was doomed to be ineffective as it only applied to British subjects and ships. Fiji was annexed in 1874 and a new Pacific Islanders Protection Act was passed in 1875, however this was still limited in preventing the incidence of blackbirding. Queensland had a demand for labour and the practice continued until the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, that year the Commonwealth Pacific Islands’ Labourers Act was passed and a provision made for the cessation of the labour trade and deportation, with certain exceptions, of all “Kanakas” (as they were colloquially called) still in Australia after the end of 1906.
Ref: Memorandum by Bishop Patteson on the South Sea
Labour Traffic, Missionary Bishop, Norfolk Island,
11th January, 1871. Presented
to both Houses of the General Assembly, by Command of His Excellency, Wellington 1871.
Martyr of the Islands – The
Life and Death of John Coleridge Patteson, Sir John Gutch
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